Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Secret News Clippings Guide | Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

2022-10-16 04:22:13 By : Ms. Bella wu

There are 25 Secret News Clippings to find across the five jobs available in Illfonic's newest asymmetrical multiplayer title, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. These hidden collectibles expand on the game's lore outside the overarching narrative, providing fun details for fans of the series and details on each ghostbusting location. 

Finding one of them in any level (it doesn't matter which one) will give you the Collector trophy and achievement. Uncovering all 20 will give you the Master Collector trophy and achievement. The rub is that all of their locations are completely randomized. Well, mostly. Just as with the paranormal activity scaring the hell out of civilians across all five jobs, there are specific locations that appear to be more active than others, providing increased chances of finding Secret Clippings. 

Look for a gold glow and/or a gold circle when looking for Clippings; the glow can be hard to see in well-lit areas, though the circle only appears when you're very close to the collectible. Keep an eye open during the loading screens for each job; Clippings can appear in them, making your search easier.

Further, there is only one Secret Clipping per job, meaning you'll need to play a job at least 5 times to get all of a stage's collectibles. Additionally:

If you're solely after the trophies and achievements tied to Secret Clippings (or just want to know more about the game's lore), it's best to search for these in single-player mode with bots. Since you'll need to focus on searching a level's every nook and cranny, you won't have as much time devoured to seeking out Rifts, blasting minions, or tethering and trapping ghosts. 

Lastly, you can view all collected Clippings by visiting the corkboard on the right side of Ray's shop. A paper and magnifying glass icon appear in Ray's Shop when a new collectible is available for viewing. 

While this guide won't be able to pinpoint collectible locations for you, it will attempt to highlight areas where they're most probable to appear. We played 50+ matches (at least 10 for each level) across PS5 and PC to try and get a better idea of where to look. Here are some potential locations, though this is not an exhaustive list of where they can appear.

The Museum job is perhaps the most random when it comes to where the Secret Clippings spawn, followed closely by the Hudson Canyon Lodge. The large majority of collectible spawns for this level happen somewhere in the Egyptian Exhibit and the Occult Exhibit, so check there first. Also, check the Ocean Exhibit (first and second floors), as well as the Dinosaur Exhibit. 

Clippings spawned for us less frequently in the Lobby and in the Cafe, and they never spawned in the security room behind the reception desk, the small theater between the Ocean and Dinosaur Exhibits, or the dining area portion of the Cafe. 

The collectibles in the Hudson Canyon Lodge seem to be easier to find than those in the Museum, at least in our playthroughs. The difficulty of finding Clippings in this job comes down to the level's sheer complexity and dense design. Rooms double-back on themselves, and there are assets everywhere.

For our money, check the Lobby first, then take the stairs up on the right side of the Lobby to reach the Guest Rooms area. Also, check the dining room with the boar's head behind the second-floor restaurant and kitchen area. The Great Lounge is another good place to look.

Alternatively, we never found one in the small office off of the Lobby, the Utility Closet, in the second-floor Restaurant or adjoining kitchen, in the room behind the reception desk, the second-floor bar, the second-floor Reading Room, or the second-floor area of the Great Lounge with the pool table. 

Rock Island Prison can seem intimidating at first, but it's a fairly straightforward level that doesn't present nearly the number of complexities as Hudson Canyon Lodge. One playthrough should be enough to familiarize yourself with the layout. 

Focus on the Admin Control Room directly at the beginning of the level, the area just outside it, and the Library (we had at least seven appear here). A large majority of our Clippingns spawned in these areas across all of our playthroughs. Also, check the laundry area of the Showers in the basement and the catwalks around Cell Block C and Cell Block B.

We only had one collectible appear in the Isolation Block and never in the actual Showers area or passageways between cell blocks (first or second stories). 

This job may seem on Par with the Lodge in terms of complexity and density, but it was one of the easiest levels for finding Clippings in our playthroughs. Essentially, focus on the Shipping area, combing that area before any others. At least eight to nine collectibles spawned somewhere in this area across 15 playthroughs. 

Other places to check include the Old Bar, the New Bar, and the dining area of the Restaurant. We only had one collectible appear anywhere upstairs, and we had none appear in the main Lobby, the reception area of the Restaurant, or the Restaurant's kitchen.

This one can be a bit of a doozy, but it's not as complex as it first seems. Most of the Clippings here seem to spawn in the Theater or in and around the second-floor Observation area. 

We found one a piece in the first-floor Bar, the second-floor restaurant, the second-floor Theater area, and the second-floor Deck area. We never found any in the Lobby, the Recreation Hall, or the second-floor Main Hall area.

Hopefully, this guide helped you find all of the Secret Clippings in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. Keep your eyes peeled as you play. Though these collectibles could spawn just about anywhere, just like the Ectoplasts, Ghoulies, and Poltergeist you're hunting in each job, it's worth checking the above areas before combing every part of the map.